Thursday, April 20, 2006

Corruption in Education

By an anonymous student

Corruption is done by one on group of people who has a lot of power. Their goal is to acquire any kind of financial and other material values in illegal way and spread on use this pecuniary by oneself. It means that again our people and country suffer from such kind of serious menace.

Unfortunately corruption is one of the huge problems in our country. Corruption exists in each field and it seems that our country can’t survive without out it but it’s useless. If we take into consideration our economy and also our natural resources with corruption it’s too difficult to imagine our future and we don’t know what will happen tomorrow with our beautiful country.
In this dark forest we can find out the only right and light way to develop our country with educated professionals and trained personnel who know their job. But you can find corruption here too.

For our small country, there are a lot of universities and people with diplomas. If you would like to enter the best universities first of all you should pay a lot of money for it. After entering, during both semesters, you should pass each class for money. Millions of students pay money for their education, pass exams for money, and they often get diplomas without knowing anything about their professions. There are only a few students who study honestly but even good students are sometimes made by their teachers to give bribes because some teachers don’t want to give the student the mark they deserve.

Also you can acquire the diplomas in this way too. In Kyrgyzstan, after graduating from the university students get two kinds of diplomas: honor diplomas or "red" diplomas for excellent achievement and a simple one or "blue" diploma for good achievement. So after university you can find a well paid job only by good acquaintances; of course, here money plays a big role too. And after getting over this kind of thievery the new "specialist" would be a bribe-taker for everyone because he used to study for money and did everything with the help of money and he tried to return all of his expenditures. It is a big mess in society without beginning and ending.

Our country is backward and stopped developing because of corruption in the education and that is the big reason for our trouble. Our government doesn’t care about it and even doesn’t try to stop this mess. The person who does a crime like this is supposed to go to prison for 8-15 years and have their property confiscated and have no right to be in the government or engaged in business for three years. But it rarely works.

The reason is the local government closes their eyes to it because they are working in this system and it seems that everyone is satisfied with it. This huge problem is deeply buried in the people’s consciousness and each youth who should develop our Kyrgyzstan grew up with corruption and everything is easy for them if they have money. They don’t understand that corruption is profitable only under certain conditions.

Nobody knows what our country will be like in 30, 50 or 100 years. How our children and grandchildren will live. They don’t understand yet that corruption is destroying us and Kyrgyzstan could disappear in the future. The new generation should understand it and try to prevent corruption in education because corruption begins from it. We must remember that we can do almost everything honestly with our own hands and begin to study using our brain to get a good education without buying marks and diplomas. You know a diploma is just paper and it isn’t important. The most important thing is our mind. I mean we should be professionals in our fields and teachers will give a good mark for your abilities with great pleasure if you are eager and bright and remember that "knowledge is power." I hope everybody will understand it and then corruption in our country would be less. I have said less because it couldn’t disappear forever. But it’s never too late to mend. Now we are building our house after several years and we will live in it and we shouldn’t waste out time and we must work hard because education is one precious inheritance that has been left to us by our parents. So out future is in our hands and we’ll have to wait and see.

The Situation in Kyrgyzstan

By an anonymous student

I am against canceling the death penalty. The person who committed a crime should bear corresponding punishment. Certainly we do not have the right to take away from someone life. But it is a real life. These people who make such grave crime should be sentenced to the death penalty. Such people are probably not able to understand that it is impossible to take away another's life. It is necessary to remove pink glasses.

I am very much disturbed with the situation in the country. I think we should change all structure of government officials and all chiefs and put in perceptive young men, then all would change. Now there are many young perceptive people who would bring a big contribution to the development of Kyrgyzstan. The president, ministers, deputies, all of them speak well but do not do anything real.

During disputes over the form of the government, one of my group mates said, "I prefer the parliamentary form of government and people will choose the prime minister." Half of the population is without education and how can they choose?! March 24th is an example of this.

People who do not know the essence of business and listen to people which dictate them rules have put in a new head of state, Bakiev Kurmanbek Salievich. Last year, people who started the revolt in the city, in the most direct sense of the word regret that we have put it on the post of the president. I am not going to lower someone's personal human qualities, but he isn't the person that should operate the country. 24th March, how is it that this day is named a holiday? A year has passed and March 24th should mark the desire, and should not force all civil servants such as rectors of high schools, directors of schools, etc.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Five Short Essays From English Students at the Kyrgyz State Law Academy

Different Cultures Between Kyrgyzstan and Other Countries
My sister's name is Aida. For many years she wanted to visit Great Britain and her dream was realized a few days ago. But yesterday Aida called me and she was crying because the family who she lives with is very strange for her. In Bishkek my sister has a very big house, a car, and favorite friends. But in Brighton, the town where she lives now, Aida doesn't have anything, except that family, but anyway, it's not her family. So, in Kyrgyzstan she's a rich girl, but in Great Britain she's poor. Another characteristic of Brighton is that there are many people with untraditional [sexual] orientations. It is also unusual for her. In Kyrgyzstan she studied at the American University in Central Asia. Now Aida regrets about her moving to England. This story teaches everybody that not every dream will come true. Not only dreams, but also plans must be planned carefully.

A Few Words ABout my Family
My parents divorced when I was 10 years old. It was very difficult for me. I can't forgive my mother and father.

About My Best Friend
Her name is Siidegul. She is 18. She lives in Bishkek. She study here. We are friendly 12 years. She is a very good friend and cleaver. She likes walking. She likes playing football, basketball, reading, listen to music and dancing. It's difficult to find a friend like she. She likes to travel.

My Best Friend
My best friend's name is Miyaz. He is fifteen years old. He studies at 13th school, in nine class. I know his family and his relations. He does 2 sports: 1st kickboxing, 2nd he goes to swimming pool and he goes to English courses. I know him many years. His hobbies chat at mobile internet with his friends and talking about cars. He dreams to buy a Mercedes Benz Miboh and VW Bantly. He sleeps until 2 AM on holidays. He loves eating meat and drinking Coca-Cola.

Kyrgyzstan is a mountain country. And I like it because it's my country, and our country have a beautiful lake whose name is Issuk-Kul. In the other countries it's name is Gem of Kyrgyzstan. Our country have a beautiful forests, rivers, and many interesting places. Do you know about Burana? It was a beautiful tower in a Chui Valley. In history have a legend about the tower: Many-many years ago when very strong king going to fortune teller and the said "When your daughter was eighteen she die." King was scare and built big tower and let her daughter in this tower but when his daughter was eighteen dark spider bite her and she die. I can say many interesting about my country but time was go very fast.

Я и Кыргызстан

By Zina

Наша республика в данный момент очень в трудном положении находится Вот недавно мы президента поменяли И все это было не просто Событие 24 марта было известно по всему миру Когда это все показывали по всем каналом телевидении мне было очень стыдно за свою страну Не знаю как себя почувствовал сам Акаев но мне кажется точно не хорошо Ведь его теперь вся страна узнали как он покинул свой президентский пост Самое страшное в истории он остался самым позорным первым президентом Кыргызской Республики Но он мог этого не допустить Тогда почему он этого не сдалал Разве он так хотел Надо спросить все это у себя самому

Мой взгляд что Акаев во все не плохой экс-президент Он просто не заметил как все быстро произошло Не он один все эту кашу натворил Есть еще премьер-министр депутаты а они вышли сухим из воды Я считаю что если бы Акаев был бы хитрым человеком то он заранее все спланировал бы И торжественно покинул бы свой пост А просто был добрым человеком
Мне противно смотреть на тех кто сидит на высоких должностях и ведет свою игру днлая вид что работают ради нашего светлого будущего Есть конечно же среди них честные люди и патриоты Но их очень мало Сколько совершено в стране заказных убийств и иони не раскрыты потому что совершены криминальными личностями взаимосвязанными с чиновниками Все они прикрывают друг друга боясь что кто-то может рассказать о них правду Мое сердце просто разрывается когда я вижу на улице ненужных детей и слышу пустые обещания чиновников Очень жаль нашу страну где истинных патриотов очень мало Многие утверждают что они патриоты своей страны но хочется спросить А что ты сделал для своей страны Если ты считаешь себя патриотом так докажи это Так что не каждый может утверждать что он патриот даже я потому что я еще ничего не сделала для своей страны хотя готова отдать за нее жизнь и я все равно буду бороться за справедливость и счастье маленьких человечков

Кыргызстан – моя страна

By Shirin

Я слушая лекцию Мистера Дэвида о многом подумала, точнее о моей стране. Наша республика хоть и молодая, я бы сказала уже в пути к лучшей жизни. По сравннию США, конечно она совсем молодая. Как нам сказал Мистер Дэвид, в США оказывается народ в курсе, например президент сколько зарплату получает или же скажем министры сколько зарплату получают. А у нас попробуй узнать, кто какую зарплату получают .Возьмем нашу Акадамию, сколько бюджет им выделяет и эти выделенные деньги растрачена ли в пользу Академиии.

К чему все это говорю, к тому что в США значит все открыто т. е .все от личной жизни, чиновников, до их рабочей жизни. Мне это очень понравилось, народ видит кто как живет, как работают. Если в нашей стране была бы такая система, как в США , то я думаю наша республика быстрее развивалось бы чем сейчас. Почему, потому что мы знаем наши чиновники не так уж хорошо работают ради народа. И вообще ни один из чиновников не собирается служить для процветания страны. Они же живут за счет государства, за счет нечестно заработанные деньги . К сожалению их волнует свои банковские счеты торговые точки. А не проблема народа . Всем известно что один депутат за своюзарплату не может купить огромный особняк стоищей 20 тысчяч долларов или же 5-6 автомобилей каждая стоит не менее 15 тысяяяч долларов откуда все эти шикарные вещи берутся Разве он может получать столько зарплату Конечно нет Значит эти деньги народа Самая грустная что им не стыдно за это А ведь они когда–то дали клятву что будут служить для своей страны честно и долго

Если будет у нас независимая организация которое наблюдает за всем этим незаконнопользующимися людьми то бюджжет страны резко повысится Пенсионеры инвалиды учители врачи будут получать зарплату гораздо больше чем раньше И соответственно их жизнь улучшится Я еще пока студентка но я очень постараюсь вложить силу чтобы в нашей стране была такая организация А пока все это мое личное мнение о нашей стране

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Victim of the Tradition

By Nurilya

When I studied at school I had a classmate. She studied excellently. She planned to be a doctor in the future. Her family was big. There were five daughters and no boys in her family. It troubled her father. He thought a boy would be his heir. The role of a boy is more important than a girl in our Kyrgyz family. She and her sisters loved their father best of all and respected him.

After finishing school she entered the university. She studied very well at the university. Then one day her countryman kidnapped her and abducted her for marriage. She was shocked and didn’t expect such an outcome. She wanted to run away and threatened suicide. She even argued that she had a boyfriend, but all in vain.

The role of the relatives is big too in the life of a Kyrgyz person. Her relatives made her stay. They said your father blessed you. If you refuse our family would be shamed. She eventually gave in. Gradually their marriage was crashing. Several times she tried to kill herself. Eventually he set her free.

This is just one example. According to some estimates, upwards of 30 percent of the country’s married women have been snatched from the street by their husbands in a custom known as "ala kachuu" which translates roughly as "grab and run."
According to some estimates in the Naryn region alone an estimated 55 percent of all women were abducted against their will and forced into marriage. Only 10 percent of abducted women dared to stand for their rights and leave their abductors.

A majority of men kidnapping girls kidnap them whether she knows him or not. Sometimes it happens that she has never seen him or never heard about him. Such abductions exist particularly in rural areas.

I consider bride kidnapping as gender-based violence. Everybody has a right to live, to choose, to speak, to rest, to be educated. Women’s rights are violated by not giving the right to a woman to choose her future husband. All democratic countries provide for and protect people’s rights and freedoms. But in our country the rights and freedoms of people are not protected by the government.

The main problem is that the mentality of the people is not ready. If the girl refuses marriage the local society will curse her. In Jalal-abad it was revealed the in every 10 divorces registered, seven were in families founded through bride kidnapping.

It is necessary to end such kind of traditions which gainsay the rights and freedom of the person. My opinion is negative. We must not keep such abductions which spoil women’s life.

Наша столица

By Gulbara

7 июня 2003 года мы праздновали 125-летие Бишкека. Этот юбилей стал одной из кульминаций года кыргызской государственности, который широко отмечается в нашей стране при поддержке ООН. Столица любого государства - это город, в котором отражен менталитет народа. Поэтому статус столицы закреплен в Конституции. Начиная с 19 века, когда было принято решение о переносе в Бишкек центра кыргызского края, город выступал объединителем земель и родов, организатором грядущего государственного становления.

Выступая на торжественном заседании, посвященном, юбилею Бишкек стал той точкой опоры, которая повернула кыргызский народ в новое историческое качество, позволила вновь возродить генетическое народное стремление к единству, национальному самосознанию.

Бишкек - не только столица государства, но и любимый город для кыргызов. Здесь собраны лучшие силы нации из всех мест, из самых отдаленных аулов и селений по зову и предначертанию судьбы. Бишкек – это сообщество разума, воли и духовности, образовавшееся в самом сердце Чуйской долины. Именно здесь рождались и обретали полет великие идеи национального возрождения и духа новой кыргызской государственности.

Можно только удивляться тому, как стремительно шел город к сегодняшнему уровню развития. Первый завод появился ровно 123 года назад, а первая телефонная линия не насчитывает и века, чуть менее 80 лет прошло со времени строительства первого участка железной дороги, только 63 года кыргызскому филиалу академии наук. Все эти сроки соизмеримы с жизнью всего двух поколений. За столь короткий исторический отрезок город прошел путь от глинобитного селения до современного многофункционального полиса, крупного центра национального и регионального значения.

Город – труженик, город – патриот всегда трудился, не покладая рук. Значительная заслуга Бишкека состоит в том, что он стал центром формирования главного богатства нации – образования. У нас в стране очень высоко ценится образование. Опираясь на братскую помощь к4рупнейших научных центров России, столица Кыргызстана в короткий срок сформировала сильнейший образовательный комплекс, позволивший не только добиться самой высокой в Центральной Азии грамотности населения, но и вырастить достойную национальную интеллигенцию, корпус специалистов для всех сфер народного хозяйства. Город уверенно строит новую экономику, ищет новые формы общественного самоуправления, идет в авангарде борьбы за преодоление бедности.

Высочайшей гордостью столицы являются ее жители. Это элита страны, ее гордость. Бишкекчане талантливы и трудолюбивы, среди них – звезды нашей науки и культуры, видные общественные деятели. Бишкек – город межэтнического согласия и дружбы, лучше всего подтверждающий нашу национальную идею – «Кыргызстан – наш общий дом.»

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Four Short Essays from Second Course Students at the International University of Kyrgyzstan

Civil War in Kyrgyzstan by Elisa Norusbaeva

It's our future program but I hope that civil war won't happen. Our country is small and we can hold out together.

Why will it happen? I think its all about money. Our south part is poorer than the north. More farms, factories, and universities are situated here. The north land is very good for crops we can help the south. I couldn't help them but our president and parliament can- but they think about themselves. Our future is strained and I hope that our future will be good. Maybe Kyrgyzstan will be divided: one part will be connected to Kazakstan and another part to Uzbekistan and I don't want to be a citizen of Kazakstan or Uzbekistan. I live in Kyrgyzstan and want to stay here.
We should value and respect different kinds of ethnic people.

About Our Young People by Irina

I want to write a message about our young people, because in our days we have a big problem with young people. They are really rude, amoral, without any compassion towards surrounding people, especially towards an old people. They don't have any aims to build their life, to make a fitting life for their parents. They just like to smoke, drink alcohol, have an easy life.

I want to write some suggestions and my personal experience. Suggestions are very simple, people please don't be egoists, we need really virtuous people.

And my personal experience, I want lighing, smiling every day. But I can't. Because you are very indifferent towards pain of your citizens, friends, relatives, parents...

Keeping Bishkek Clean by Anara Boipoeva

In school the teachers must teach the rules of the street. My teacher explained to me that the trash contains dangerous things. The trash smells like air pollution. It smells unpleasant and distasteful. Trash contains viruses. It could make someone ill.

My neighbour Akul is 20. Sometimes he throws trash in the street. It is not good. Bishkek has many dirty places that could make us ill. Probably he doesn't understand. He will learn good habits in observing the behavior of people in the market.

I lived with my uncle and aunt in a flat. Near the building was rubbish. They have children and they play near the garbage. The younger child was often sick. I believe the reason was trash. The dustman doesn't clean up every week, & the trash cans always were full. So people threw the trash near the trash can.

I believe that the people will understand when they study the rules of the street and soon our city will be clean. Everybody hasn't spare time to study, but maybe they will force themselves. I hope next year many people will be educated, more than now.

Crime and Rape Problem by Zarina Sabaeva

I think the government should take some action on the problems of crime and rape. First they must increase police on the corners, on the street and protecting our houses. Second they must cut unemployment.

When I study at school one day my classmate was beaten by some criminals. They beat him only for his coat. As a result of this accident he lay in the hospital for three months because he had bad head injuries. Another day my girlfriends met some boys and they lied to them and they went home with them, but these boys couldn't rape them because when the girls screamed so loud in the flat neighbors came and saved them. It was awful. After this story they are frightened and now they never trust boys.