Thursday, May 25, 2006

Human Trafficking

By Kenesheva Aliya

Something must be done about the problem of human traffic. This problem grows larger every day. Our people suffer.

Recently I made a report on this theme and found out that it’s a big problem for our society. I heard many awful stories I saw how people cried because of our bad situation our instability, unemployment and poverty our people try to earn money by any means. After unsuccessful attempts to find work they go to extremes – because who will feed their families who will help to survive in our difficult time?

I heard that our men became slaves on the construction building. People promise them money but then they take away their passports and force them to work all day. They don’t pay for their work. I saw one man who went through this experience. Now he cannot regain his health and his family suffers from this.

Our girls suffer on the strange side without money, passport and support. One girl told a story (she’s a prostitute) She had a friend. One day a car drove up to her and took her on for one night. But they took her away to Kazakhstan where she was used as a prostitute and as an ashtray; men put out their cigarettes on her body.

I heard a lot of such horror stories. I think we should inform people, to tell them truth now we just close our eyes on the problem. But if this problem will touch us we should think about this now. We (people) cannot wait for the action from the government. We should understand that together we could stop human traffic. I think that from the government is side this problem must be solved by law but from the side of the people our understanding, informing, and supporting the victims can solve this problem. I know that we cannot solve it quickly but we can to begin. It’s a good start for the (important work ahead) continuation.

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